Join us!

Member benefits include:


  • up-to-date, easy-to-access information on language matters via the NALA website;
  • a network of like-minded professionals with whom to share good practice;
  • an annual, national members’ residential conference (at reduced rates for early booking)
  • the minutes and notes from meetings attended by committee members (e.g. the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Modern Languages; Ofqual; Speak to the Future; Language World; etc.)


Am I eligible to apply?

  • If you are:

    • a qualified teacher who has current or previous experience of language teaching; and
    • you give advice about teaching languages and provide support and training for languages development; and/or are an Ofsted inspector in the languages field,


You are eligible?

  • Complete the application form and forward it to the named Executive Committee member for it to be appraised by committee.

    Annual fee: £65

NB You may also be eligible if you provide advice, support and training via a cultural embassy or institute, or government agency. Please contact the Secretary to discuss.

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